Whales and Wildlife

Observe fin, humpback and minke whales, common dolphins, basking sharks, harbour porpoise, sunfish and other marine wildlife in stunning scenery.

whale jumping
Humpback whale


The Irish Government declared the coastal waters of Ireland a Whale and Dolphin sanctuary during the early 1990’s, the first of its kind in Europe. Since then it is one of the must do’s when visiting the south west coast of Ireland. Our coastal waters are a summer feeding ground for a number of whale species and a year round home for several resident Dolphin species including the Harbour Porpoise. Baleen whales commonly seen off the south west coast include Humpback, Fin and Minke whales, with intermittent sightings of Killer and Pilot whales which makes whale watching in Ireland the best whale watching in Europe.
shark underwater

Dolphins & Sharks

Our coastal waters are a year round home for several resident Dolphin species including the Harbour Porpoise. Common dolphins are West Cork’s most frequently observed cetacean. We see them on most trips throughout the season. We sometimes encounter large groups of common dolphins with mothers and their calves in their midst. During the summer months, we often encounter several basking sharks on our tours, up to 50 sharks on one tour, feeding and displaying around the boat.
bird in the sea


On our marine wildlife tours from when we leave the pontoon we can encounter firstly the wading birds including oyster catchers, bar-tailed and black-tailed godwit, whimbrel, curlew, grey plover, dunlin, redshank, grey herons, egrets, several species of duck and at certain times of the year brent geese. As we leave the sheltered harbour, black headed, black backed, herring and common gulls and cormorants are present. When on the water we can see Gannets, Manx Shearwaters, Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills and Kittiwakes. In late summer and autumn sometimes spot Great, Sooty and Corey’s Shearwater along with Great, Long-tailed, Pomarine and Arctic Skuas.

Book Your Wildlife Tour

Don't wait! Why not join us this season in West Cork for a whale and wildlife tour or a fishing trip and make it an experience to remember.
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